Love Quotes, Love Poems, Love Caps

2021-10-19 22:56:04
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Love Quotes, Love Poems

- Standing confused because of getting lost but standing beside her

- Narcissism is normal. Falling in love with her is something special.

-May is not the best picture, But it's just a picture that the best person takes.

- Our homework sends teachers. As for Miss Yu, we sent it to her.

-Love requires understanding, but above all it requires clarity. 
-Even though I'm not a charming person like Aang But it won't be left in the middle of the way like a potato. 
- Forgetting is not difficult, but most people do not. 
- April summer But when she begging, it's cute 
-Sky & Sea is Earth's song but Sweet & Love is our song.- Pretend to be someone who doesn't know anything. Better than losing her.. because of the truth 
-Sometimes love happens so easily that it's "shocking" and sometimes it leaves so easily that it's almost impossible to "make up" 
-Today's weather forecast There is fiery love in some areas. There are scattered nostalgia 
- boyfriend relationship even having two arms can only hug one person at a time 
- It's Halloween. I want to see her as a ghost The ghost loves us tattooing you ... accidentally in love with us 
- Many people may like Aunt V, but no matter how many times I look at it, I like U's face.-Walk across the road, be careful of swaying cars But if traveling alone Alone, the youngsters will walk to deliver them. 
- Forgetting is one of the defense mechanisms against pain. 
-Our love is like grilled pork . . . . 
-This post does not require comments. I just want to express my condolences. 
-Maybe not a fat person with a rubber ring, but a thin person. with only concern 
- If the status is unclear He calls toys, not girlfriends. 
-Only you are the only one who eats my heart, even if everyone is vegetarian.- Children are the future of the nation. But if nothing goes wrong I am your future 
-Love depends on two people. But it ended because of two people. 
- She's not a toy. but she is ours 
-If you can't choose between the Swan Child or the Ghost Child You can try to be a child. 
- We are female/male. home without people The door was not locked. 
- People, not seven. to come and say love then walk away 
-Sometimes meanness comes in the form of frankness. 
- "Late night" makes us sleep lonely or "loneliness" makes us sleep late.
- "Rak" is an "accident" that crashes into a "shincha" symptom at first and "hurts" later. 
- Surprisingly, just… one person doesn't talk to us, makes us feel "lonely" like the whole world. refuse to talk 
- Until today we are not ready for the exam. But we're ready to be your answer. 
- The one that needs to be tested is Midterm, and the one that remains the same is Miss you. 
- Piggy bank is for money drops, but I miss you so much. I have it for you. 
- Marriage will be of no value if my life doesn't have you. 
- At first I thought it was more special than anyone. Actually, it's the common people that she uses to "separate time".
- Long hair can make your eyes prick. But if I love you up promise that ten 
- Bang Phlat, Bang Phli, or will fight some good times that we have for each other 
- Let me hug myself in the cold Better than seeing you warm with someone 
Maybe loving him but he doesn't know is better than he knows but he doesn't love. 
-Love cows to tie, love children to hug, love us, don't drop. You can walk in and hug. 
-Although the road in front of my house is a gravel road, but our future road will be our child's road.- We want to be a teacher and let her be a student. because we will ask her if we can come together 
- Still single, free download, good looking and no virus 
-How many people will be ready to listen to our murmurs? that he never said he was bored 
-If you can only "look" but not "try" once, how will you know that what you see is real.. 
-She has changed or who has changed her? 
-Don't love because of pity Love is not alms I'm sorry, it's not merit. 
Love always begins with "feelings" and ends with "reasons".

ภาพ:   Pixabay


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